Dina is the only daughter of the patriarch Jacob, silent and passive apart from one action, which has terrible unforeseen consequences. "She went out to meet the women of the land" where Jacob has settled his family and has a sexual encounter with Shechem the local Hivite prince…
Man of La Mancha ★★★
The Glass Piano ★★★★
Alix Sobler has form weaving drama from historical stories, breathing life into real characters and populating her worlds with believable fictional roles. In 2016 London played host to The Great Divide, her take on the 1911 fire in a New York garment factory that killed 146. The capital…
All My Sons ★★★★
Little Miss Sunshine ★★★
The Rubenstein Kiss ★★★★
The Blue Book ★★★★
Betrayal ★★★★★
Admissions ★★★★
Joshua Harmon can make you laugh and cringe simultaneously. He gives his characters space for long rants – and plenty of rope to hang themselves. In his earlier hit comedy Bad Jews, relationships come under strain when family members are forced together for their…