Job Vacancies — Jewish Renaissance

Applications for this position have now closed.

Fundraising Consultant

Renaissance Publishing, the publishers of Jewish Renaissance magazine, wish to appoint a Fundraising Consultant to help develop and implement a successful fundraising campaign for our 20th anniversary year as well as support the organisation in developing a strategy for ongoing fundraising. The successful applicant will have experience of private and corporate giving, as well as excellent knowledge of the UK Jewish community, knowledge of arts and culture and understanding of the media sector.

Your proposal (which should also include your CV and contact details for two references) must be submitted by 12 noon on Thursday 5 May to our Executive Director Dr Aviva Dautch – Please quote us a fixed fee for the project, indicating your daily rate and approximately how much time you will be spending on each element. We would hope to run interviews on the afternoons of Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 May by Zoom. Please let us know your availability on these dates.

About Us:

Through our magazine, online platforms, events and tours we encourage engagement with Jewish culture by:

  • Offering intelligent, challenging and exciting content.

  • Uncovering the wealth of activity taking place in Jewish communities around the

  • world.

  • Celebrating the diversity of the Jewish experience in the UK and around the world, both historical and contemporary.

“Jewish Renaissance does the near-impossible: it rescues English Jews from the curse of the parochial, re-uniting us with the wider, grander, older and newer world of Jewish thought and events. Essential reading if you’re Jewish or if you’re not.” — Howard Jacobson, Man Booker Prize-winning author

“A fascinating magazine: always beautifully produced and a pleasure to read. It has opened my eyes to the condition of Jews in corners of the world that I never knew they inhabited, as well as a wealth of cultural events in London and the regions.” — Baroness Ruth Deech, Academic, lawyer and former Chairman of HFEA


The brief:

While we are very grateful to be supported by our sponsor, Dangoor Education, which contributes approximately one third of our annual costs, the remaining two thirds need to be covered by income, organisational grants and philanthropy. Our subscriptions continue to rise as we become increasingly successful in attracting new, younger, audiences, but our advertising and tour income have been hit by the pandemic over the last two years. In order to grow as an organisation, and take forward our exciting and ambitious plans, we need to raise substantial funds.

We would like you to work on a Fundraising Campaign that would raise a minimum of £100,000, preferably closer to £200,000, plus the cost of your consultancy in new unrestricted funds for Jewish Renaissance by the end of 2022. This would be primarily based around JR’s 20th anniversary and will include an online crowdfunding campaign (that we hope would be match funded) and a gala event (provisionally planned for Sunday 10 July 2022).

We would want your support in applications for funding for two additional specific projects that we hope to run over the next two years, for which we need an additional £75,000 in project grants.

We would hope the consultant would be closely involved in the delivery of the crowdfunding campaign as well as the theoretical planning; willing to do practical tasks and be involved in approaches to funding bodies, trusts and individual donors for both our unrestricted and project funding.

We would also like you to use this initial campaign as the basis for creating an ongoing fundraising strategy for the organisation, helping us

  • assess the feasibility of our current and future fundraising plans, the prospects for successful delivery and the associated risks;

  • identify the income sources (eg. Trusts, Corporates, High Net Worth Individuals & Legacies) that should shape the topography of our strategy, taking into account the magazine’s Jewish cultural focus;

  • make recommendations on how to present our fundraising needs to current and future supporters, for maximum impact;

  • identify the additional skills, expertise and structures that would be needed by the JR team to deliver an ongoing fundraising strategy successfully – for instance in fundraising, marketing and communications; with indicative costs.