
Patriots ★★★★

Patriots ★★★★

As the great sage Rabbi Hillel said, "If I am not for myself, then who will be for me?" This might be the motto of Boris Berezovsky, Russian Jewish oligarch and antihero of Peter Morgan’s biographical drama, which feels almost contemporary despite being set in the early 1990s. Hillel…

Guys and Dolls ★★★★★

Guys and Dolls ★★★★★

‘Immersive' and 'moving' are adjectives that one might use figuratively to describe a theatrical experience. I’m using them literally here. As a promenader following the action around the ever-shifting levels on the interconnected hydraulic platforms of designer Bunny Christie’s flexible…

The Merchant of Venice 1936 ★★★★

The Merchant of Venice 1936 ★★★★

For actor Tracy-Ann Oberman and director Brigid Larmour, this radical reimagining of the Shakespeare classic has been years in the making (including a two-year delay thanks to the pandemic). Indeed, Oberman herself said it's been "a lifelong dream of mine to bring this play to the stage…