Pass Over Me released early for Pesach — Jewish Renaissance

Pass Over Me released early for Pesach

Watch the new short film by Orthodox Jewish comedian Rachel Creeger

A new short film by award-winning Orthodox Jewish comedian, writer and director Rachel Creeger enjoys an early release for Pesach. Pass Over Me, a moving and amusing piece, was commissioned as part of The Covid-19 Monologues, Vol.3 by the Durham-based Elysium Theatre Company.

The short, co-directed by Elysium's artistic directer Jake Murray, stars Rachel Gaffin as Miri, the laconic mother in a one-woman performance about the shortcomings of a lockdown seder. She gripes about the separate household bubbles, virtual synagogue services and the sheer amount of cleaning preparation. “Passover should be sponsored by Bacofoil,” she remarks. At times, Miri feigns excitement over how “special” and “novel” the night will be – her first immediate family ceremony – but she quickly backtracks. After all, it's her diary. She can be entirely honest about the fact she hates this, exclaiming: “Why are we mourning our freedom?”

Her plea to the audience to be free from the restrictions brought on by the pandemic, noting all the connotations with the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt, is undoubtedly ironic. It’s a moment where Gaffin delivers unbridled self-awareness in true British comedy style. Nevertheless, there’s a Covid twist on traditional elements in the haggadah (an ancient text on the biblical story). The 10 plagues aren’t frogs, blood and lice, but swab tests, facemasks and of course the disease itself. The four sons – Clever, Wicked, Simple and the one Who Does Not Know How to Ask – are exchanged for her own children – a daughter at Oxford University and a son whose girlfriend is “not a part of the tribe”.

"It's an honour to bring an 'everywoman' Jew to the mainstream public domain when so often the focus is on the Charedi community or those who leave the faith," says Creeger. "Miri is any north London Jewish woman, who has been brought up with strong traditions around her culture, but we have specifically left her denomination and practice ambiguous."

You can watch Vol.1 and Vol.2 of The Covid-19 Monologues now, while the rest of Vol.3 will be released in June, featuring films by Elijah Young, Abi Zakarian, Rayna Campbell, and Chris Neville-Smith.

As for Miri’s call for freedom? Thankfully her request, echoed by millions of others, has finally been answered. Jews across the UK and beyond, metaphorically traversing the Red Sea and leaving the servitude of pandemic-induced lockdowns in the past, prepare to reunite with their nearest and dearest this Passover.

By Betsy Cohen

Watch Pass Over Me by Rachel Creeger on YouTube, along with all other episodes in The Covid-19 Monologues. Visit to find out more about Elysium Theatre Company.