writing competition — BLOG — Jewish Renaissance

writing competition

JR Prize 2020 shortlist: Hannah Radley

JR Prize 2020 shortlist: Hannah Radley

"So…did your parents use a matchmaker then?" I was asked in a lecture theatre. It was my first day of rehearsals for Fiddler on the Roof at the University of York, the city of which isn't exactly known for its Jewish cultural scene, having incited medieval England's greatest pogrom in…

JR Prize 2020 shortlist: Noah Libson

JR Prize 2020 shortlist: Noah Libson

"Two Jews, three opinions" – it's an old joke and one we often laugh about, but in many ways it's true. Jews in the UK are not, and never have been, monolithic. We are divided on Israel, on the role of communal bodies, and by cultural and religious backgrounds. We’re a small…

JR Prize 2020 shortlist: Frank Allen

JR Prize 2020 shortlist: Frank Allen

Sunday 23 February 2020: the streets of Delhi are ablaze. Hindu nationalists storm the predominantly Muslim slums in the North-East. With 40 dead, and more than 200 injured, Muslim businesses and homes were left looted and destroyed. In a wave of instigated violence, aided by…