opinion piece — BLOG — Jewish Renaissance

opinion piece

JR Prize 2020 longlist: Bella Saltiel

JR Prize 2020 longlist: Bella Saltiel

As much as anything, 'othering' is a Jewish trope. For me, growing up in multicultural London has helped me to understand racism and identity, but perhaps only a little about myself. British Jews sit somewhere between 'white' and 'other': not passing for white, but not entirely…

Ayelet Gundar-Goshen: Between the Moon and the Desk

Ayelet Gundar-Goshen: Between the Moon and the Desk

The first Israeli spacecraft reached the moon on 11 April 2019, shortly after the publication of the final results of the Israeli elections. The spacecraft was launched from Israel in February, in the presence of Prime Minister Benjamin…

The Ukrainian president's Jewish jokes

The Ukrainian president's Jewish jokes

The final episode of the first season of the Ukrainian hit TV series, Servant of the People (Sluga Narodu), finds president Vasilii Holoborodko – a history-teacher-turned-president – at a live talk show. He is about to reveal his prime minister’s corrupt behaviour. Holoborodko, who frequently…